Sunday, December 6, 2009


Why, oh why can't I get a grip on my resentments? I know that I shouldn't let Ella get to me so badly, but she does. Over & over I hear about that stupid kitchen faucet, and over & over I tell her that I don't USE the kitchen faucet. Then she insists she wasn't accusing me, and I forever wonder why she brought it up in the first place if she wasn't. SO - I just gotta let it go, right?

Well - hopefully, I can. I'm trying, really. I wanna get past this so I can move on with my life. I will say a special prayer for Ella tonite, in hopes that I can get past this & not bear any hard will.

Okay - enough of that BS. Can you believe it's December already?? And only 19 more days til Christmas! Which means ----- drum roll, please ---- only 16 days til my birthday!! Oh yay - 52 years old. Isn't that special?? NOT!!!! LOL And am I ready for Christmas?? Of course not!

Still working in all my unfinished WIPs. One of these days, one of these days. I did get the legwarmers finished and outta the way. Working on Michael's blanket still. And, of course, now I have decided to try to knit some boots for Hannah. Like the UGG boots that are so popular right now, only in grey. Its an eperiment, so we'll havta see how that goes.

Well, it's movie time - catch ya'll later!!

Peace out!!

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