Thursday, May 13, 2010


Lawdy - I sound like a darn broken record, don't I?? Gee whiz - the BS never ends at this place. Sooooooo - do I stay, put up with the crap & try to work thru it? Or do I update my resume & go jobhunting?? At age 52? Aaaarrrggghhhh!!! I never really realized what Tala went thru until now, but suddenly - I get it. She was where I am now - she had messed up a little, tried to get back on track, but had to deal with "T" on a daily basis - no wonder she walked out. He never, ever, ever lets up. The little digs & nitpicking go a lllooonnnggg way towards undermining self esteem - with some. Not with me - I'm just angry all the time now. On edge, and terribly frustrated, too. I don't really WANT to try & please him - it's an impssible task. He's a bully, a bully boss & I have become his target. He literally canNOT help himself, I don't think. HE believes he's "keeping me on my toes".

I pray for him daily - to find peace & happiness in his life. I must confess I ask for God to help make him not such a butthead. But so far, I don't know that I feel any better, and I surely can't tell that it's made an impact on him. But I'll keep praying for relief - I know God will answer my prayer somehow. I just don't know when, where or how. Until then, I'll keep looking for little islands of peace & tranquility in my life, and hope for the best. Surely, he can't go another 40 years acting like such a d--k to most people. I don't know why Sam keeps him on here, unless it's for the the fact that he kisses azz so well.

Honestly can't wait for my vacation - I plan to do nothing but sit on the front porch, drink a coupla glasses of wine, knit & watch the world go by. Period. That's my plan - think I can wait until July??? LOL I sure hope I can.

Peace, kids. Thanks for listening. ;~)

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