Hmmmm - why is it I havta work for a living? Is it really neccessary?? LOL Wish now I had saved my retirement fund, because I really find the thought of living somewhere remote, on the side of a mountain, perhaps, very comforting & soothing. I wonder if I'm retreating back into my shell? I'm not sdoing the "defense eating" thing, but sometimes I fear that I hide in my knitting. How odd does that sound?? I'm nuts, I know - I guess that's what happens when you forget to take your anti-depressant in the morning. I'm waiting on Tala now to bring me one from home. Maybe I'll be more sociable after lunch - not because of the food, but because I'll have taken the pill by then. It's sad to have to rely on a chemical to balance out your day. Perhaps I need more prayer & less drugs. Not that I abuse them - not by any means. I just really can't put my finger on what my problem is today.
Other than that, and the urge to adopt a beautiful, calico long-hair cat I saw yesterday, I am good. Several of my WIP's are done, and I've cast on for at least 5 more!! Seriously! The Mystery Socks are caught up - the toe clue comes out tomorrow. Which is good, 'cause I really need those #2 needles for my wristwarmers & I don't wanna havta buy more!! I already have TWO sets of #2's, THREE sets of #3's!!
And I have a pumpkin to carve and no idea when I'm gonna do it. Needs to be done by Friday. Maybe I'll do it tonite after church. Or at least get the cleaning part of it done. That would be good. Maybe I'm just feeling a tad overwhelmed this week. That could possibly be it. That may be the whole crux of the situation. Oh well, I'll get over it - I always do. Okay - I really, really need to do some work now!! Better hop to it.
Oh - progress list on WIP's - meant to do that so I could see in writing just everything I'm working on. Let's see here:
Camo hunting sox for Greg - DONE
Camo hunting hat for Greg - DONE
Yoga sox for Kathleen - one DONE, 2nd has yet to be cast on
Pink camo sox for my sister Annie - turned the heel in first sock
Baby afghan for Mysti & Michael - about 4 more squares then all the sewing to do
Mystery Sock KAL - 2 more pattern repeats on ea foot then waiting on toe clue
Mohair Babydoll nightie - DONE
Purple lingerie - nightie is DONE except for finishing touches
Wristwarmers for me - FROGGED (need smaller needle, which means I havta finish a sock or 2.....or 3......LOL)
Julian's scarf & fingerless gloves - working on swatches; can't decide what yarn to use
Legwarmers for Leslie's mom - one partially knitted, but yarn has been bought for both prs
DRAGON SOX - practically non-existent @ this point EXCEPT I actually have bought the yarn for Saphira, Thorn & Gladr; just trying to figure out pattern
I think that's all. Can't think of anything else I'm knitting that can actually be published!! LOL Yup - a girl has gotta have SOME secrets, even in her knitting!!
Peace, kids!!
Here be dragons. And knitting. And sock making. And the rantings & ravings of a compulsive everythinger. Who knew I'd become compulsive about FIBER????? Hahahahahaha....... DRAGON SOX - MY 5 YEAR MISSION (or more - lol): TO EXPLORE STRANGE NEW FIBER. TO SEEK OUT NEW TECHNIQUES & NEW STITCH PATTERNS. TO BOLDY GO WHERE NO SOX HAVE GONE BEFORE......... (intro Star Trek music here)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I am seriously disturbed @ the moment. I was on Yahoo for a few minutes to see if they ever found the 6 yr old in CO who they THOUGHT floated away in the hot air balloon shaped like a flying saucer. As if that kinda news isn't disturbing enuff - I mean, what?? Who keeps an INFLATED hot air balloon tethered in the backyard where little kids are playing?? WTH?? Gives new meaning to the word "irresponsible", doesn't it? And now that the balloon is landed, they can't find him. Great.
So you read those bulletins & there at the bottom of the page is a link to a story about the 11 yr old FL boy who got set on fire by a gang of teen miscreants when he tried to stop them from stealing his dad's bicycle. His mom makes a public statement about stopping the wave of violence among our youth nowadays. I totally agree with her altho I have no idea what can be done. I'm not a parent & when I indulge my maternal instincts, it's usually by holding & cuddling babies or helping teenagers with homework. In other words, not much discipline involved or even any "hands-on" parenting. So, I am at a loss there, but then I see another link......... an article on a group of skinhead teens in NH who hacked a woman to death with a machete!! And slit the throat of her 6th grade daughter & left her for dead!! WHAT IN THE H---???????? What kinda people (do I dare call them people?) do such things? And the news report calls the ringleader of the group "a devout Mormon"!! NOPE!! SORRY!! I don't profess to be of the Mormon faith, but I daresay even Brigham Young would agree that the words "devout Mormon" do NOT belong in the same article as "hacked to death by machete". Not unless they were regarding the victim - which they weren't. What was the reporter even thinking? This skinhead deviant isn't a DEVOUT anything - except murderer.
So now you know why I'm disturbed - and why I don't read the newspaper, or watch the news on TV except very rarely. I'm not trying to shelter myself from the violence, I'm just not gonna let it draw me in like it did today. It's a total waste of precious time and energy. I'm not sure why this world has sordid events like this happening in it, but I'm sure that I do not havta involve myself in it. Now I know why I knit & why I take extra-long weekends just TO knit - it's to escape the madness of it all.
Oh and by the way - vacation was great. Can I go back now?? Or maybe go ahead & move to that mountain top with a goat and a sheep or 2? Ya see WHY I'd like to do that??
Oh, btw again - PEACE!! If you can find it!!
So you read those bulletins & there at the bottom of the page is a link to a story about the 11 yr old FL boy who got set on fire by a gang of teen miscreants when he tried to stop them from stealing his dad's bicycle. His mom makes a public statement about stopping the wave of violence among our youth nowadays. I totally agree with her altho I have no idea what can be done. I'm not a parent & when I indulge my maternal instincts, it's usually by holding & cuddling babies or helping teenagers with homework. In other words, not much discipline involved or even any "hands-on" parenting. So, I am at a loss there, but then I see another link......... an article on a group of skinhead teens in NH who hacked a woman to death with a machete!! And slit the throat of her 6th grade daughter & left her for dead!! WHAT IN THE H---???????? What kinda people (do I dare call them people?) do such things? And the news report calls the ringleader of the group "a devout Mormon"!! NOPE!! SORRY!! I don't profess to be of the Mormon faith, but I daresay even Brigham Young would agree that the words "devout Mormon" do NOT belong in the same article as "hacked to death by machete". Not unless they were regarding the victim - which they weren't. What was the reporter even thinking? This skinhead deviant isn't a DEVOUT anything - except murderer.
So now you know why I'm disturbed - and why I don't read the newspaper, or watch the news on TV except very rarely. I'm not trying to shelter myself from the violence, I'm just not gonna let it draw me in like it did today. It's a total waste of precious time and energy. I'm not sure why this world has sordid events like this happening in it, but I'm sure that I do not havta involve myself in it. Now I know why I knit & why I take extra-long weekends just TO knit - it's to escape the madness of it all.
Oh and by the way - vacation was great. Can I go back now?? Or maybe go ahead & move to that mountain top with a goat and a sheep or 2? Ya see WHY I'd like to do that??
Oh, btw again - PEACE!! If you can find it!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mystery Sock KAL
Okay then - 1 cuff done, another 1/2 way there. I'm going to try to post a pic here so I can get it to post on Ravelry. We'll see how that goes!! On vacation after today - I can't wait. Going outta town, too - for a little R&R and lots of SERIOUS knitting!! I'm gonna take the laptop w/me - free wireless @ the motel. Who knows - may even blog some more. Okay - here's the pic, wild azz colorway & all!! LOL

What do you think?? Not a very good pic, but hopefully I'll figure out a better way as I progress. See ya'll later!!

What do you think?? Not a very good pic, but hopefully I'll figure out a better way as I progress. See ya'll later!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mystery Sock KAL
Wow - my first Mystery Sock!! My first Knit A-Long!! I'm excited, so excited! My friend & fellow knitter, Suzanne, texted me today & asked me if I'd like to be involved in the KAL. Of course, when she mentioned it was a sock, I was in. Suzanne said she'd send me a link via email, but of course, I couldn't wait. So I searched out the most likely group on Ravelry, texted her about it and BINGO - that's the one!! It's in the Fans Of Through The Loops forum/group at The first group I've ever joined, too. I only hope it's not too cable-intensive. I can do 'em, but usually don't. As a result, I'm not real cable-friendly or cable-adept!! LOL Well, we'll see how it goes. I've never knit anything before without pictures and at least having some kinda idea what it's gonna look like. I do know what yarn I'm using tho - I'll post pics & progress here on the blog, also. Wish me luck -it'll be my ELEVENTH pair of sox!!
Peace & sox!!
Peace & sox!!
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