Yup - the new sock is coming along nicely. I was gonna make it the first in my line of Dragon Sox, but have decided I don't want the Saphira to be the color this sock is. Altho, it is a beautiful sock!! Think I'll just name it Hannah after the person it's made for (she wondered why I hadn't named it that, anyway!! LOL). I'm almost done with the first one (doing the toe now) so here it is. Sorry for the image - cell phone camera, what can I say? But I'm @ work & it's all I have!! One of these days, I'll get it all figured out. But this is the Hannah sock - I'll post a pattern for it later. It's a short sock, which are SO quick to knit, but the pattern could be easily extended to a longer sock. The lace pattern draws the sock up a bit, so it looks a little narrow, eh? But I tried it on Hannah last nite (yes - the dreaded algebra homework has started already......) and it fits just fine. The lace part stretches out & looks even lovelier, if I do say so myself!! It should make for a well-fitting sock, too. The yarn is from a yarn cake I got on Ebay with a bunch of other yarn in a mixed lot. No idea what it's made of but the colors are pretty, aren't they? I may be wrong, but I figured if someone went to the trouble of winding it into a cake, it's probably some kinda decent yarn. Hopefully. Well, if her mom washes them in cold water she should be fine. Here's a close-up of the lace pattern - it's very simple, just a 4 row repeat, which I love. Much easier to remember.
My goal is to be able to knit a sock (eventually) totally from memory & not have to drag out my general sock instructions - which I carry in my purse, by the way. Well, it's back to work now.
Peace, kids.
Having seen the sox in person, I can attest to how pretty it is. I can't wait to see the pattern and try it out.